5 Smart Nutrients for a Healthy Brain

5 Smart Nutrients for a Healthy Brain

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Jun 21st 2016

Many Americans are already familiar with the lifestyle habits that will keep them healthy, including exercising and eating a nutrient-rich diet without excessive fats and processed foods. According to various studies, these 5 nutrients and foods can also contribute to a healthy brain. Take a look: Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 fatty acids are well known for their potential effects on the proper functionality of the brain. The most prominent omega 3 in the brain is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). There are plenty of sources for DHA, including sardines, and salmon. Another option for adding DHA to a diet is taking fish oil supplements. When this fatty acid passes through the bloodstream, it encourages the brain to work at its best. Walnuts: Not only are walnuts a great source for omega 3 fatty acids, they contain antioxidants and phytosterols to support the healing and functionality of the brain. It's easy to include walnuts in a diet by snacking on them, using them to top a salad, or adding some to top off oatmeal. Berries: Every trip to the store should include a grocery list with some sort of berry on it. These include cherries, raspberries, blueberries, etc. They all provide building blocks for a healthy brain like flavonoids such as anthocyanins and others. Berries are another product good to top off oatmeal. Snack on them fresh, or add dried berries to trail mix for a sweet touch. Berries have positive health effects frozen, fresh, or dried. Greens: It's important to get the right amount of greens each day. Green foods are full of fiber, antioxidants, and many other vitamins and nutrients that encourage brain health. The most healthy greens are darker like spinach or kale. Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and romaine lettuce can be roasted or added to a stir-fry dish. Turmeric: Many people are familiar with this spice often found in Indian curries. It contains curcumin, an antioxidant known for it's anti-inflammatory power. It may also help patients with Alzheimer's disease by slowing the buildup of beta amyloids in the brain. Turmeric may also support new brain cell production, and increase memory. There are plenty of foods and nutritional supplements for a healthy brain. Continue researching on to find out more. Anyone considering adding supplements to their diet should first consult with a doctor.

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