5 Great Ways to Use Coconut Oil Every Day

5 Great Ways to Use Coconut Oil Every Day

Published by Wonder Laboratories on Dec 28th 2015

In recent years, scientists, health gurus and plenty of regular people have been exploring the wonders of coconut oil. You could call it a wonder food, skin moisturizer hair care regimen, and all-around handy product. Keep it on your shelf. Chances are you'll find plenty more uses beyond the 5 listed here.

1. Apply it as a moisturizer.

You can use one of the hundreds of moisturizing products on the shelves to moisturize your skin, but you also can reach for a jar of coconut oil to effectively — and naturally — soothe dry skin. Better yet? Lock in the moisture by applying immediately after taking a shower, while your skin is still damp.

2. Soothe sunburn.

After you've been out in the sun too long, smooth on a layer of coconut oil to tame the burn.

3. Use it as a supplement.

When taken internally, coconut oil has been found to boost mental alertness and ease allergy symptoms. Some studies also show that it can aid in weight loss and improve healthy cholesterol levels.

4. Aid in digestion.

Used as a cooking oil, adding coconut oil to prepare your meals, can help improve the digestive system. The saturated fats in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties — which can help you deal with the bacteria that can cause indigestion.

5. Condition hair.

Add coconut oil to your hair care regimen. When applied to the scalp, it can help with issues of dandruff. It also acts as a moisturizer for dry hair. Coconut oil has hundreds of uses. Chances are you'll discover a few of your own over time. To get the benefits of ingesting coconut oil, try Wonder Lab's Coconut Oil 1000 mg Organic and Gluten-free. Directions: As a dietary supplement, take two (2) softgels daily, preferably with a meal.

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